The Breed

What is an F1b Bernedoodle? Temperament, Size, LifeSpan

To understand about f1b Bernedoodle, you should know that Bernedoodle is a cross between Bernese mountain dog and the poodle with different generations depending upon the ratios of the Bernese mountain dog and the poodle. When we talk about the F1b generation Bernedoodle, it has 75% poodle and 25% Bernese mountain dog. The F1b Bernedoodle is obtained by crossing the F1 Bernedoodle with a poodle.

F1b Bernedoodle Size

The F1b generation size mostly depends upon the size of the parents involved in this breed. The F1b generation Bernedoodles can have different sizes like mini, standard, and tiny.

When we talk about the average size and weight of the F1b generation, it’s usually between the 35 to 55lbs in weight and between 36-40 inches in size.

F1b lifeSpan

The F1b generation Bernedoodle life span is also varies depending upon their sizes. Usually, when we move towards the smaller sizes, they have more life span as compared to the bigger dogs. The standard size F1b generation Bernedoodle life span is between the 12 to 15 years.